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Cotton Special Pesto Raze and Balanstick

Brand : Kay Bee Bio Organics PVT LTD.
Data : Pesto Raze - 100ml and Balanstick - 100ml
Availability : In Stock

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Pesto Raze : Pesto raze is a phytoconstituents – based high quality product manufactured from species of pharmaceutical eminence which has great ability to act on vast class of soft body insects. It successfully checks White flies, Aphids, Jassids, Thrips and Mealy bug which commonly attack on cotton. It is more effective at lower temperature. For best results, spray early in the morning or during late evening. Being a botanical based product, it gives phytotonic effect and significantly enhances productivity of the crop. It is helps in vegetative growth and induces flowering and better fruit development specially in cotton.

Balanstick : Balanstick is silicon-based Organic Sticker, non-ionic, highly concentrated surfactant with great ability to spread and penetrate at rapid speed and vigour apart from balancing pH, which enables the spray to Rain fastener.


PESTO RAZE 1-1.5 mili/litre of water + Balanstick 0.5 mili/liter

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